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Prediction for 2022

We are all wondering what to expect in 2022 and here are my thoughts.

It will be a year where we are asked to work together to bring about change. We need to start living again without fear, taking chances and risks to help get the world moving again. Last year saw many people segregated for not following orders or being allowed their own right to choose. People ended up fitting into the two categories with one lot feeling superior and as if they couldn’t be touched and they feared being around anyone who didn’t match their views. The others did research, listened to their intuition, trusted that the truth would come out in time. It wasn’t about being right, wrong or weird but about being allowed the freedom to make your own decision. Each of us did make a choice even if we are still sitting on the fence. So it’s time to be one again, mix with others and lets build an immunity to this dreaded Covid. This is a good year to start questioning people, not out of spite but to gain understanding. The government follow what they are told by the health departments or leaders but if they truly know what is best for each of us why has there still been millions effected worldwide and no clear solutions. We all know that one size doesn’t fit all, so why would one preventative suit everyone. There are questions we all should have about why we are being used as guinea pigs for experimental measures without being given compensation if they turn out detrimental to our health. We trust doctors yet they are being coerced into following orders rather than being allowed to work out what is best for each person. The things we worry about often come true, so isn’t it better to start thinking about what you want and allow that to happen instead.

Although people are hesitant it will be a good year to go into business especially later in the year and know that if if you strike a few hiccups you must trust that hanging in there and continuing will be very important. Partnerships will be important whether they be in business or your personal life. We have had too much time being told to keep distance and we as humans all need contact with others. We need to look after others and care for them because they may be the ones looking after us someday. It’s not a year to go solo and to stand out for your own personal gain, it is the year we work together. Stand up for others, treat everyone like they matter and to show unity no matter what they believe in. Share your thoughts but also listen to those of others.

We will also find ourselves doing things we had never done before or achieving what we thought was out of our reach. So it’s important now more than ever to not give up on following your dreams. Finding peace, being mindful and spending time outside in nature will be integral in rebuilding the new world.

I wish you luck in your endeavours and hope you have a wonderful experiences.

💜 Readings with Row

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