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Freeing yourself from evil energy

I seem to have lots of people contacting me about nasty spirits attached causing all sorts of mayhem in their lives. They explain how things are being thrown at them and every move they make seems to have bad energy stopping them or hindering their lives. At times my thoughts go to their mental health and wondering whether they are getting the help in that area that they need. I often find myself trying to handball them to someone else to deal with.

I know there are many unexplained occurrences that happen and sometime they may come from another person sending evil vibes or from a spirit that may have attached to your energy. But they can only attach themselves to you or harm you when you match their vibrational frequency. It doesn’t matter if you go to 10 different psychics, healers etc they can only do so much the majority of what need to be done can only be done by you.

You need to look within and find why your energy got to the level it did to allow these things to happen. It will be confronting and may bring up some unpleasant memories, however you need to find the cause and free yourself of it in order to move on. No one else can do that work for you, you have to trust yourself knowing that you are healthy, strong and able to end this viscous spiral. It won’t be easy and you will waver at times but the more times you empower yourself to not let the bad thoughts back, the sooner you will start to be free. Ask your own personal guides to help clear the energy in and around you, even ask them what you need to do to help ensure your surrounding are clear as well.

Remember that many people will think you are crazy or mentally unstable but that is only because you believe those things of yourself and are putting that energy out there. What we think we create so the more we think others are attacking us the more it will happen. The most powerful way to overcome what others say or think about you is to send them love when you get a bad vibe. Love blocks all evil from hurting us and because we are giving out love we also find love returning to us.

So to any of you reading this, if you know someone is in a situation like this send them love and picture them being healed and healthy. If you are the one being influenced by these thoughts then find the right way for you to clear and free yourself. If you just don’t want to put in the effort to do that then by all means seek help from professional but know it will take many sessions and it will not be possible to be fixed after just one session. The longer you allow it to be in control the harder and longer it will take to heal the damage. The choice is yours either set yourself free and look to find pleasure and happiness in life or stay stuck in the spiral. You cannot blame others for doing this to you, you must forgive yourself for allowing them to get in your head in the first place. I wish you all luck and hope that you health returns to a perfect version of yourself with laughter, joy, excitement, and enthusiasm for seeking pleasure.

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