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Do you need qualifications to be a psychic

Many people believe that in order to be a psychic or spiritual that you need to have qualifications of some sort. Others believe that you need loads of years practice to make you any good. I however think that if spirit gives you messages and it comes purely from them not just from your thoughts then money can't buy that ability. People can buy qualifications or spend loads of money on courses to learn but how can the person teaching that course truly judge to whether you qualify or deserve qualifications. I read that a lot of people say they have been doing spiritual work for a young age. Whilst I can't confirm or deny what they say and have no intention of doing so, I can say that I did have abilities when I was young but I didn't know them as that I just thought it was normal. Could I have passed on messages to people? Well I highly doubt it because I didn't have the life skills or knowledge.

I wouldn't be here today without all my life experiences and they are what has helped me understand and have the ability to relay the messages I receive in a way that each of you can appreciate. This doesn't mean I am the best out there or that other professionals aren't worth listening to. What I mean is that we are all different and work differently, I truly believe that the right message comes from the right person. Spirit knows what each of us can handle and they know how to direct you to the right reader for you. Sometimes we choose a person to provide a reading and later we realise we didn't get much from it and sometimes that happen just because we thought with our wallets rather than listening to our inner feelings. Is a person who charges $300 for a reading any better than one who only charges $20, in my opinion you can get good and bad no matter what price you pay.

So no matter what when you are choosing the person to purchase a reading from listen to your body. If you keep getting drawn back to a page or keep seeing a persons name appear then it could be spirit guiding you. Usually we know who we connect with from the posts they choose to share from the way they word things or from those warm feeling in our bodies. Also it pays to remember if you want to hear from a loved one it pays to go to a medium, if you want to hear about your future then you are probably best of with a psychic. However there are people who have both skills but don't advertise them all so just keep listening to who you feel can deliver you the reading you wish for.

Thank you for listening (reading)

Roweana xx

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